Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rocky Mountain House makes Diversity a Priority

Kudos definitely need to go out to ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE who recently hosted a community scanning event as part of their work as one of ACE’s ‘Diversity Friendly’ Communities. After compiling and analyzing the overall Scanning Tool results, the following suggestions were made by participants as possible ways of improving the quality of life for its residents.

We at ACE Communities were so impressed with the depth and breadth of their discussion that we are including their complete list here. Great work, Rocky! We can’t wait to see what happens when these suggestions become action items in the community.

And here is the list:

• An initiative that helps residents examine the many faces of discrimination that exist in our community.

• Strong individuals, families, and community. An initiative that looks at and develops ways of making recreation programs and services more accessible for low income individual and families.

• An initiative that would examine and provide additional low income housing spaces for residents.

• Innovative initiatives addressing quality of life issues in the community including anti-social behaviour, examining the idea of community (how it is defined/what we mean by community/who is part of a community).

• Initiatives/opportunities to increase communication both individually and as a group.

• An initiative that would work with specific groups of people to provide worker training.

• Adult Education Opportunities for employers to learn about being leading edge employers.

• The development of an Immigrant Centre.

• Working with the First Nations people and systems. Create ways of collaborating that will build a stronger sense of community as well as increase quality of life/sense of belonging.

• Create opportunities to help visitors and residents understand what actions/attitudes can encourage the sustainability of the natural environment.


The following project priorities are:

1. First Nations Collaboration*
2. Low income residents.*
3. Ecological Stewardship*
4. Transportation
5. Newcomers
* areas chosen to work on as first priorities

And for more pictures from this fantastic event, click here!

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