Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Killiam's ACE Fundraiser

Our good vibes go out the ACE Killam team who are putting together a FAB fundraiser this month to help raise the remaining money for the paving of their ACE-supported trail in Heritage Park and the finishing touches on the amphitheater.

This fundraiser will take place on Jan 28th at the Killam Community Centre. The event will include a tribute to the 70's with costumes and a live band. Sounds like a blast, Killam! There will be a "minute to survive" game show to start off the evening where teams will compete for prizes in minute-to-win-it type contests. Teams of 4-6 should register with with coordinator Kari Fox-Newby but there is no additional fee for entry.

Cost: $20 per person for the evening with late luncheon included. Silent auction items will also be available.

The ACE Killam committee will also have "Our Family Favourites" ACE cookbooks for sale featuring recipes from local cooks as well as photos from their " Let Them Be Kids" build day. This delightful books sell for $12 or 2/$20. This was a popular item for Christmas gifts but the group still has copies for anyone who missed out.

Again... all proceeds will go towards the ACE-supported trail in Heritage Park and the finishing touches on the amphitheater. Hurrah!

For more info or to register for an event, please contact Kari at:

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