Friday, July 22, 2011

Bike park for youth in Chestermere!

Two years ago, the youth in CHESTERMERE, supported by community partners, came together and built a mountain bike skills park on land donated by a local developer. It has been a popular spot for the youth of the community ever since and a source of pride for everyone that worked as a team to make it happen.

It was always clear, however, that the location was only temporary and now the bike park must find a new location. Seeing this as an opportunity and not a barrier, the youth are looking ahead to being able to add permanent features to the new bike park and have researched many desirable structures and designs.

The ACE team in Chestermere is partnering on this project to assist with the purchasing of the materials for these permanent features along with additional fencing, signage, and bike racks. The goal is to have the Park built and opened by spring 2012. Kudos to the team in Chestermere for helping the empowerment of their local youth!

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