Monday, May 16, 2011

Update from Killam

Heritage Park Renewal

The ACE team continues enthusiasm and focus on phase two of the heritage park renewal project. The park is being used by a broad cross section of the community and a source of pride for many.

The team was and continues to be involved in fundraising to help complete the park. They recently raised over $12,000 helping out with the Red Serge ball, and have another bottle drive underway. They are considering developing a local cookbook as a fundraiser. Seniors had identified this as a potential project for ACE. The team has applied for a federal grant to assist with paving the walking trails.

The outdoor amphitheatre completion has been set for mid June since this time coincides with some other planned community events and their local rodeo. They have desires to be involved with Alberta Arts Days. The team has decided to apply for Society status and elected executive from the existing team. Kari Newby-Fox is the president. Others who have been involved from the start appear to continue to be involved.

Long Term Plan

The recently elected Killam town Council is in the process of updating their MSP which was developed in 2008. The ACE team was asked to provide feedback in the process and a town hall meeting is scheduled to invite and gather public input on May 18. The Killam ACE coaches have suggested that this could be an excellent time to review the results from the 2009 Scan and other discussions on long term desires.

Great work, Killam! We can't wait to see what the future holds...

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