Monday, October 25, 2010

From Pies to Pigeons to Portals

Chestermere has been busy! In addition to their exciting pie making workshop that involved participants age 7 to 90 years of age, local ACE leaders have also worked with the Town to have an outdoor stage redesigned. Originally planned to be built in 1996, their input has ensured it will be a relevant and practical infrastructure that isn't at risk for becoming a home for pigeons. They also convinced Council to invest 10% more on the project! Local ACE leaders are now focused on working with students from Mount Royal College to build an online communication and information portal and ultimately a volunteer database. Collaboration is a priority and a signficant number of community groups are working together. Congratulations Chestermere leaders!

1 comment:

Grannie Jen said...

Brenda, thanks for posting about our achievements this year. Amazing how change seems impossible and bingo, with a bit of teamwork and intention, the gazebo is a performance place!