Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Youth and Gardening in Sylvan Lake

Gardeners come in all ages and abilities and that is proven in Sylvan Lake. The local ACE group approached the Youth Advisory Council on how to build volunteerism and leadership with youth. The Youth Advisory Council decided on the goal to build a garden in the high school court yard. After that, the garden concept has "blossomed" to other schools and the focus is building vegetable gardens on school grounds.

The vision for the school gardens is that students will care for the indoor garden pots and outdoor gardens during the school year. Students can continue to care for the gardens after the school year with the assistance of several community groups, including the Youth Advisory Council. The seed funding that Sylvan Lake will receive through the ACE Communities initiative will be divided amongst the participating schools for building supplies.

Coupled with an even wider vision, the school gardens project aligns with the Municipal Sustainability Plan of Sylvan Lake including sustainable agricultural practices and opportunities to grow and purchase local foods.

Students will learn how to plant, care for plants, weed and a whole host of other gardening skills. Becoming knowledgeable about food security is foundational to the process. The food will be used in a number of ways including the food bank, good food boxes, home economic classes, breakfast and lunch programs, and community dinners.

Aside from students being encouraged to volunteer and be leaders, both students and community members will be more actively engaged in the community in a very creative way.

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