Friday, April 23, 2010

Capitalizing on Rural Assets

There are several perceptions about rural communities and one community has learned to capitalize on those perceptions: Irricana. Irricana has turned community assets into the "Top Ten Reasons to Visit Irricana".

10. Our gas station washroom is the cleanest gas station washroom in Alberta. (Go ahead and check).

9. You never have to wait at a stop light (we don't have any stop lights!)

8. If you forget the return address on your mail the post master will probably recognize your writing.

7. We actually have "slow races".

6. The neighbours are still "your" best form of security.

5. An acceptable vehicle, to drive into town to pick something up, is still a tractor.

4. Who needs billboards when you have round bales to paint on?

3. The Fire Department knows the fire hydrants by their character names (our fire hydrants are painted like cartoon characters).

2. You can still turn a combine or wagon around on main street.

1. We are a "one horse town"... and proud of it. (

You will notice that the numbers count down. On the leaflet where these reasons are listed the number one reason is listed on the bottom, rather than the top. I believe this is because the message is to showcase community pride.

What a wonderful way to monopolize on rural assets and influence those perceptions about rural communities. Sometimes these lists of 'what to do' or 'why you should visit' a community often list activities and places. Whereas Irricana has listed more intangible activities which are very attractive in rural communities.

Irricana has demonstrated community pride and a method to capitalize on the rural assets that exist in the community. The extra step taken was to publicize the information, or, tell the story. What a great exercise to go through with a community to focus on the rural assets and share that information with others.

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