Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kitscoty Focuses on a Community Driven MSP

Building a community driven plan involving the grassroots of the community is setting the platform for sustainability in Kitscoty.

Kitscoty has been working with their ACE Coach and Council to ensure their Municipal Sustainability Plan (MSP) is one that engages the community.

A Community Advisory Group is leading the draft development of the MSP with community input. Community groups are an integral part of the process as it is the community groups that help build the capacity of the plan. On-going communication with Council about the process will assist in the implementation of the MSP.

Village Council has passed a motion to have the MSP developed using a community engagement process, which in turn will have the community more involved while building a plan to meet the needs of present and future residents.

Such a community plan will build leaders because residents will feel a part of their community and have opportunities to share in a community wide vision to make Kitscoty more active, creative, and engaged.

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